Habits, oh those foul habits. Habits are acquired from training, influences, observance, and practice. We acquire a lot of habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are foul like cigarette tobacco smoking. Good habits we may keep, but if one wants to make their life better then, the foul habits have to take a hike.
Eliminating bad habits however isn't simple, especially if a dependency is involved. For example, cigarette tobacco smoking has a health warning on its pack that: the habit of smoking is harmful to your health, but smokers read it, throw the pack away, lit the cigarette, and continue smoking as usual. Why do they do that: they do it because of psychological dependency. Cigarettes contain nicotine - a highly addictive psychoactive chemical. For this reason, we may learn the hard way on how to change our habits.
The First Step to Changing your Habits
Stop making excuses and be open to finding a workable solution. Individuals wander through life making excuses. Anytime an individual sees something complicated, they'll frequently make excuses for why they can't deal with the issue. This is a rough-cut problem in the world, which we’ve all heard millions of times. If you're out to make your life better, you need to state, "This is something that blocks me from accomplishment and I have got the might to change it."
One of the great classical philosophers, Aristotle, once said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit!"
The first key to success is to quit making excuses. You are able to commit by choosing a fresh habit. If it seriously matters to you, you'll find a way to do it better but not useless excuses.
You should commit yourself by affirming that: "Today I'm going to quit judging other people and myself." This is a common error individuals make in the world. They spend time labeling other people and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos and wasting their energy unwisely.
"Renounce your errors,
amend your ways,
and cleanse your heart from all sins."
Sirach 38: 10, NLT.
The Next Step to Changing your Habits
The next step to changing your habits lies in your self-talk.
Do you think negatively? I can’t change this. My life is full of bunk; I can’t swing it any longer. Why me? If you spend your life believing negative and stating negative connotations, attempt changing your ways today. For example, state this, "I may change something and I'm going to, no matter what." Rather than stating life is full of bunk, accept it as truth yet move forward to make your life better.
Once you begin to make changes to improve your life, begin small. Rather than jumping the gun, take little steps to success. Too many times individuals try to change overnight. This only leads to frustration.
Change like how the baby undergoes growth metamorphosis. Whet the baby is born, it learns to run by starting with: crawling, then walking the baby steps, then normal walking, and finally running. Just make sure once you finish one step, then go to learn how to master the next step.
Seek Support and Feedback
When you're working to change your life and habits, make certain you seek support and feedback from your friends or the people you trust especially your teachers. Alternatively, you can do research from a trusted website on the internet to measure your progress. This could help you discover your rating against worldwide standard achievement in those areas you're trying to improve.
You don't have to walk the road to success alone. Feedback can also be discovered at your library, as said before - the internet, at colleges, etc. Ask somebody you trust to support you and provide you feedback when required as well
You could read the Bible as a mirror to learn the best pathway, your life should take. Study what its message and then conform to it. If you do it prayerfully and wholehearted faith, then you might - one day after long departure to heaven, you'll be canonized as a saint, leaving behind the modal habit and heroic virtues!
"But don't just listen to God's word.
You must do what it says. Otherwise, you're only fooling yourselves.
For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in the mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free,
and if you do what it says, and don't forget what you heard,
then God will bless you for doing it."
James 1: 22-25,NLT.
Here's a video that discusses the ideas written in the book called, "Atomic Habits" written by James Clear. It's worth reading and watching the video.
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